66k followers 14 artykułów/tydzień
What is ‘nature-based carbon removal’ and is it any better than carbon offsets?

Workers plant trees at an ecological afforestation demonstration zone on April 11, 2023. | Photo: Getty Images Big tech companies are increasingly turning to nature to do the dirty work of cleaning up their greenhouse gas emissions. The idea is to use plants and ecosystems that naturally absorb CO2 to compensate for industry...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 15:26
UN calls on tech and media to stop taking fossil fuel ad money — but gets nothing in response

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivers a special address on climate action at the American Museum of Natural History on World Environment Day in New York on June 5th, 2024. | Photo: Getty Images United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for an end to fossil fuel advertising yesterday in...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 20:25
SpaceX’s fourth Starship test is the first one to reach splashdown

The Starship successfully splashed down in the Indian Ocean after launching from Texas on Thursday. | Image: SpaceX / The Verge The fourth Starship Super Heavy flight test has ended with a splashdown in the Indian Ocean. The vehicle launched from its pad in Texas at 8:50AM ET, before successfully performing a hot-stage separation...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 18:24
Watch SpaceX’s fourth Starship flight test

SpaceX is aiming to perform a controlled reentry for Starship, with a splashdown in the Indian Ocean. | Image: SpaceX SpaceX sent the Starship vehicle on its fourth flight test Thursday. The vehicle lifted off at 8:50AM ET and separated from its Super Heavy booster rocket without issue. While the Starship continues on its...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 12:23
Third time’s the charm — Boeing’s Starliner crewed flight test has finally launched

Screenshot: NASA The third attempt at a crewed launch of the Boeing Starliner was a success. On Wednesday at 10:52AM ET, the spacecraft lifted off atop the United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, and now has reached a “safe, stable orbit.” The Starliner will bring NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore...

Wed Jun 5, 2024 19:27
UN secretary-general labels humanity as ‘the meteor’ in fiery climate speech

Antonio Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations, speaks during a press conference at the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. | Photo: Getty Images The climate as we know it may be in the rear-view mirror, and there is precious little time to change course before careening past a dangerous threshold for global warming....

Wed Jun 5, 2024 18:28

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