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Data Entry / Testing Telegram 100 Bots

I have a Telegram bot which I need to be extensively tested. Require: Have a telegram Account Key Tasks: - Verify all the core functionalities and features of the bot. - Test the bot's stability and performance under heavy load... (Budget: ₹750 - ₹1250 INR, Jobs: Copy Typing, Data Entry, Excel, Microsoft Office, Typing)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01
Social Media Manager with Video Editing Skills

As I am embarking on a new journey, I require the expertise of a well-versed Social Media Manager. The ideal freelancer should be an expert in managing and growing social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube... (Budget: $30 - $250 USD, Jobs: Facebook Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Networking, Video Editing, Videography)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01
SQL Function for Calculating Cosine Similarity

I need a custom SQL function for SQL Server 2022 that will calculate the cosine similarity between two given embeddings. The function should be designed to take two embeddings as input parameters and return the cosine similarity between them... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Microsoft SQL Server, SQL)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01
Customer Profile & Loyalty Card Data

I'm looking for an expert in data collection and analysis to help design and implement a royalty card system focusing on obtaining and analyzing customer's preferences. The primary goal here is to better understand our customers, streamline their experience and predict consumer behavior... (Budget: ₹12500 - ₹37500 INR, Jobs: Banner Design, Graphic Design,...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01
Facebook Ads Expert Needed

I'm looking for a Facebook Ads expert who can help me drive traffic to my website. Key Requirements: - Proven track record of running successful Facebook ad campaigns - Experience in optimizing ads for... (Budget: $10 - $30 USD, Jobs: Advertising, Facebook Marketing, Internet Marketing, Link Building, Social Media Marketing)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01
Proposal Template Design - Figma

I am seeking a skilled designer experienced in Figma to create a customized proposal template. Need it for showcasing portfolio and pitching clients. experience in creating such templates is mush The... (Budget: ₹600 - ₹1500 INR, Jobs: Brochure Design, Figma, Graphic Design, Photoshop)

Sun Jun 2, 2024 08:01

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