Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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‘I kid you not…’: Guy stumbles upon job posting for a position he was rejected for, concocts a plan with the recruiter and lands a 2nd interview with the same manager

"When you show up for your second interview make sure to wear an enormous obviously fake mustache."

Sun Jun 2, 2024 05:07
Manager threatens to fire an employee for attending his brother's funeral, then the guy rage quits on the spot: ‘I hung up and blocked her’

Whenever managers are short-staffed, they send a mass text message to every employee begging them to come in and work a shift. But when a hardworking employee asks for one measly day off, all of a sudden their baby eyes and good graces go straight out the window… When one particular employee asked for a single day off, he learned exactly how far his...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 03:58
Annoying coworker tries to change employee's schedule despite having no authority to do so: 'He’s not a manager and no manager told him to do this'

People will always be willing to better their own situation at the expense of others, whether it's that guy in front of you who sees fit to recline his seat for the entirety of a 15-hour flight despite having no one in front of or next to him, or something like cutting a queue in traffic or manipulating the schedule so that they don't have to work a...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:57
'This is mandatory. You WILL attend the trivia contest': Accounting department rallies against boss who demands they have mandatory fun

The mandatory trivia will continue until morale improves! There are differing schools of thought on how much fun employees should really have at work. There are the types of offices that bring in foosball tables and nap pods, and as nice as that sounds, these places tend to overwork their employees. Other workplaces have occasional days out to baseball...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 01:19
20+ employees confess who their worst coworkers are: 'Nothing is ever their fault and they can't take any constructive criticism'

Everyone has their pet peeve when it comes to the behavior of your coworkers. Some common attributes of coworkers are, of course, endearing. There's the one who is always too cold and has a sweater on even if it's 80 degrees out. There's the one who has a funny yawn that's easy to imitate. And there's the owner of the cute office dog everyone loves.Then,...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 23:58

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