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New levels of chaos unlocked

Friends, hi hello and Happy Father’s Day to Clifford Lesly Wilson, Jr. My parents are currently driving due east to Bellville, TX from Los Angeles.  They’re coming to visit me at the new Bakehouse and truly, not a moment too soon.  I have fresh sheets on their bed and a cleared dresser for their clothes and besides that I need my dad to make his...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 07:13
Please Welcome Graham to the Fam

Friends, HI!  I barely have my whisks unpacked in the new Bakehouse kitchen. I have one mixing bowl and the location of the others is likely in the garage in a very large dish box with a bonafide Texas tarantula nested behind it.  My abject fear of spiders absolutely CANNOT handle it.  Somehow tarantulas are so big and spidery, they transcend my fear...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 04:01
Let It Be Sunday, 469!

Hi friends, summer is almost here! I am close to being on vacation and my very life depends on getting to Cabo San Lucas in a couple weeks. I know everyone is tired, but this feels like a bone deep, soul deep, inexplicable kind of tired. Are you feeling this, too? Currently, I’m in the midst of interviewing for a job that I am crossing fingers, toes,...

Sun Jun 9, 2024 05:18
Let It Be Sunday, 468!

Friends, hi I’ve missed you!  I’m treading water in life right now… and I’ll tell you – I’ve never been very good at treading water.  Do you remember the dreaded summer camp swimming tests? Wherein a bunch of children get thrown in a pool or lake to tread water long enough to prove to the adults standing on the outskirts of that body of water that...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 12:01
Let It Be Sunday, 467!

Happy Memorial Day weekend, friends! This weekend, I hope that you’re able to find some time to remember those who served, to consider what you want our nation to look like moving forward and how you can be part of shaping it, and to take a small action towards creating the kind of world you want to live in.  Lately, I feel simultaneously deeply...

Sun May 26, 2024 11:35
Let It Be Sunday, 466!

Hello, friends! How are you holding up … in nature? The cicadas have arrived in Nashville to make everything weird. After hibernating for the past 13 years—plotting—they’re now darting around looking for mates. Their screaming is constant and there are Biblical swarms of them to duck from as you go about your daily tasks, like taking a walk or opening...

Sun May 19, 2024 11:43

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