Teaching businesses how to convert customers from content marketing
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Long-Tail Keyword Strategy: What It Is, Pros, Cons, and More

In our experience, many people talk about “long-tail keywords,” but most companies don’t utilize their full benefits. Specifically, a good long-tail keyword strategy should include two things:  Targeting keywords that are easy to rank for because they have low search volume and therefore low competition, i.e., low keyword difficulty (KD). ...

Fri May 10, 2024 21:50
How to Increase Organic Leads (+ Why Increasing Traffic Isn’t the Same Thing)

The internet is full of slightly different variations of the same advice for how to increase organic leads — identify your target audience, choose high volume keywords, include video, etc.  These are all fine tactics, but we’ve found that all of this advice is based on a fundamental strategic flaw: it’s focused on increasing traffic, with the...

Tue Apr 23, 2024 01:06
How to Run an Effective Yet Manageable B2B Blog Strategy

A B2B blog strategy clearly defines the who, what, why, and how of your blog:  Why do you have a blog? Is the intention to drive high-quality leads or traffic? (Despite common misconceptions, driving tons of traffic doesn’t automatically guarantee that any of that traffic will turn into quality leads.) What type of strategy will...

Fri Mar 15, 2024 20:37
Outsourcing Content Creation: A 5-Step Vetting Process 

When people talk about outsourcing content creation, we’ve noticed they typically fall into one of two buckets: Bucket #1: They want to use content as a marketing channel that drives increased traffic, leads, and sales (i.e. what our agency would traditionally refer to as content marketing). Bucket #2: They want to use content as...

Fri Feb 9, 2024 00:45
Announcing Our Next Public Challenge: Doubling Our Agency

Many of you may not know this, but we started Grow and Convert with a public challenge: Can we grow our site to 40,000 users/month in six months? (You can read that piece here.) There were two main reasons behind launching this challenge and setting this goal: We were unknown entities in the content marketing world. We thought...

Thu Jan 18, 2024 23:01
Most Profitable Companies: U.S. vs. Rest of the World, 2023

Our following research takes a deep dive into the financial landscapes of the Fortune 500 global companies list, unraveling the intricacies of their profitability and disparities between U.S. and international counterparts.  In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, the top 500 companies amassed a staggering $41 trillion in revenue, yielding...

Wed Nov 29, 2023 21:32

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