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This Open Source Active Probe Won’t Break the Bank

If you’re like us, the oscilloscope on your bench is nothing special. The lower end of the market is filled with cheap but capable scopes that get the job done, as long as the job doesn’t get too far up the spectrum. That’s where fancier scopes with active probes might be required, and such things are budget-busters for mere mortals. Then again, something...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 08:39
Forsp: A Forth & Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language

In the world of lambda calculus programming languages there are many ways to express the terms, which is why we ended up with such an amazing range of programming languages, even if most trace their roots back to ALGOL. Of the more unique (and practical) languages, Lisp and Forth probably range near the top, but what if you were to smudge both together?...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 05:40
Shipping Your Illicit Software on Launch Hardware

In the course of a career, you may run up against projects that get cancelled, especially those that are interesting, but deemed unprofitable in the eyes of the corporate overlords. Most people would move, but [Ron Avitzur] just couldn’t let it go. In 1993, in the midst of the transition to PowerPC, [Avitzur]’s employer let him go as the project they...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 02:40
Marimbatron: A Digital Marimba Prototyping Project

The Marimbatron is [Leo Kuipers] ‘s final project as part of the MIT “Fabacademy program” supervised by [Prof. Neil Gershenfeld] of the Center for Bits and Atoms. The course aims to learn how to leverage all the fab lab skills to create unique prototypes using the materials at hand. The final polyurethane/PET/Flex PCB stack-up for the sensor pad Fortunately,...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 23:39
A 1940s Car Radio Receives Some Love

The entertainment systems in modern vehicles is akin to a small in-dash computer, and handles all manner of digital content. It probably also incorporates a radio, but increasingly that’s treated as something of an afterthought. There was a time though when any radio in a car was a big deal, and if you own a car from that era it’s possible that you’ve...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 23:39
TDS 744A Scope Teardown Fixes Dodgy Channel

There are a lot of oscilloscopes from around the 1990s which are still very much desirable today, such as the Tektronix TDS 744A which [DiodesGoneWild] got his grubby mitts on. This is a 500 MHz, 4-channel scope, with a capture rate of 500 MS/s (4 channels) to 2 GS/s (1 channel). It also has a color display and even comes with a high-density (1.44 MB)...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 20:39

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