Some lessons that graduate school does not teach us
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Choosing the right lab

Now here is an issue that most students don’t really pay attention to (even though they really, really should!) There’s a great webinar tomorrow (November 30th, 2011) on this by Joanne Kamens of Addgene (who I know from AWIS). Joanne is a great speaker and I am sure she will have pearls of wisdom more eloquent and succinct than I can ever manage in...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
Fallen off the planet?

This is a very low-tech, low res, 2 minute doodle in Paint with my laptop mouse pad but it cannot be more appropriate for how the last year has been. Notably my former miniscule blogopshere presence has been replaced with complete absence this year. Life happened. Turns out that getting a PhD, planning a wedding and having a life are apparently things...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
A unique set of footprints on the Marauder’s Map

Thought I should share a few things on creating your own personal brand/your unique footprint in the world; something that will set you apart from others in employer’s eyes as well as others. I think of this post as an extension of one from last week. Please know that building your personal brand may sound like a business/entrepreneurial term, but it’s...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
Being the green witch may not be so bad after all!

Picture courtesy: Flickr Creative Commons, “Angelina:)”Conversation overheard in the corridor while waiting for an elevator:Student #1: The poster competition was today? Student #2: Oh yea it was. Student #1: Did you participate? Student #2: Pshhhhhhhhhhhhh! I see those emails and promptly delete them. I haven’t been a good graduate student in 5 years…...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
The yellow brick road

Picture by: airdiogo, Flickr Creative CommonsI like to hear successful people talk about their career paths because it helps me understand the skills, tools and resources they used, and I can use to become successful in my endeavors.9 out of 10 times, every story has the same thematic elements- ‘I was at the right place at the right time’, ‘I sort...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00
Buzz word #2: Mentoring

If I got a quarter for every time I have heard ‘mentoring’ or ‘mentor’ this year I would probably be able to fund a small microarray experiment on my own, or buy designer shoes. Or something.I go to a lot of events and workshops and try to read articles and meet people that will help me plan the professional future that I want for myself. Mentoring...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:00

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