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Be a Great Cat Owner

Cats are excellent pets and very different from other pets. Keep reading to find out how to learn more about proper cat care of your cat. Give your kitty lots of love and affection. They want the same level of companionship since that’s what they provide to you. They probably would like to feel as though they are a valuable part of the family. Try...

Tue Oct 3, 2017 02:10
My sister is away, and the silly cat is angry so he keeps jumping on me! He is really annoyed that...

My sister is away, and the silly cat is angry so he keeps jumping on me! He is really annoyed that he was left behind. He isn’t doing anything destructive but he sure is angry! Is this normal?

Tue Oct 3, 2017 02:10
See how bothered he Looks! This was one of his first times out...

See how bothered he Looks! This was one of his first times out of the house.

Tue Oct 3, 2017 02:10
Harry my pet hairless cat, a Sphynx is just too cool! He is a...

Harry my pet hairless cat, a Sphynx is just too cool! He is a terror though. When you come into our house there is a landing with stairs going upstairs and down. He lurks and when you enter he often tries to jump onto your shoulders. Then if you let him stay he will hang on while you are walking. Cool but he is very hard on clothes. We have...

Tue Oct 3, 2017 02:10
Found this and just thought it was too cool!

Found this and just thought it was too cool!

Tue Oct 3, 2017 02:10

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