Improving Education Environments
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Tue Aug 7, 2018 10:28
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Wed Jul 11, 2018 04:10
Krapp’s Last Failure CV

Despite the hubbub surrounding Princeton professor Johannes Haushofer’s CV of Failure, this is not the first example of someone compiling & later publicizing their failures.  Haushofer has been quick to recognize this as his popularity goes viral with international interviews and mammoth press coverage, properly citing where he found the idea ...

Fri May 6, 2016 00:32
Defining (adj. or v.?) Innovation

Innovation happens when we rethink conventions and apply alternative learning or technology to old problems. –   Shane Snow, How Soylent  & Oculus Could Fix the Prison System Innovation is the output of an extremely entrepreneurial culture. Wyatt Roy, Above All Human Innovation Conference Why everyone embraces the idea of innovation but at the...

Tue Feb 2, 2016 21:33
#hourofteach (or, Will the Last Philanthrocapitalist Turn Out the Lights?)

Here is an odd thing about Washington. The education bill is hardly an arcane piece of legislation, like revisions in the capital-equipment-depreciation schedules or intercontinental-ballistic missile basing. Ninety per cent of the schoolchildren in America are going to take the tests it requires. And yet, when it comes down to the crucial point in...

Thu Dec 10, 2015 00:49
Coda on The Content Paradox (or Why We Should Celebrate Open Access to Art)

Never again shall a single story be told as if it were the only one. John Berger, Ways of Seeing (1972) The end of my #opened15 presentation used an example about OER from the perspective of art museums to solidify my thesis.  For centuries a fear of losing the control of the image crippled the manner in which museums operated:  forgery, photography,...

Thu Dec 3, 2015 23:31

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