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How to Write a Nonfiction Book: 4 Steps and 24 Writing Tips

“I have a book in me.” This is what 81 percent of people in America feel. Like you, many people long to write a non-fiction book, share an idea, or capture a moment in history. Every year, many of these people express their desire by writing a book. In 2013 alone, more than 1.5 million books were published.  That sounds like a lot of books—and it...

Wed Nov 6, 2019 13:24
Physical Retail Is Not Dead Yet!

Amazon almost killed Best Buy. Then Best Buy learned to Be a little more Like Amazon and it is doing great. You too can Be Like Amazon while not being like Amazon. Any business, retail or services, online or brick and mortar can learn from these principles. Build relationships, help people buy instead of focusing on selling them,...

Thu Mar 7, 2019 18:14
Does it Payless to pay less?

Do you want to get paid less for any value you bring to your customer? Obviously not! Do you prefer to pay more for products than they are actually worth? Today Payless announce they are closing all their stores. I want us to step back too late November/December of last year (yes only a couple of months back) and take...

Thu Feb 28, 2019 00:32
Every Action is an Expression of Belief

Our companies are nothing but the collection of action every one of our employees take. What beliefs do your employees have about the organizations goals and vision? In Alan Stein, Jr. new book Raise Your Game he quotes a famous Inc. magazine survey that first asked executives what percentage of their employees could name the company’s...

Tue Jan 29, 2019 16:45
Write Like Your Readers Are The Laziest People on Earth

You can read this sentence. The sentence is short, it uses simple words, and the subject is toward the beginning. These three components make any sentence extremely easy to read. I know this is a simple example, and I don’t mean to insult your intelligence. But here’s the deal: Readability is essential to writing clear, concise, and compelling content....

Sun Jan 20, 2019 09:06
Before You Add Another Piece of Sales Tech to Your Stack—Read This

The sales tech landscape is overwhelming. With more than 700 sales tech vendors and countless tools, it’s enough to make any sales leader’s head spin. How do you decide which tools are worth your while and which ones are just bright shiny objects that will distract—or worse, detract—from your selling goals?Never fear, intrepid leaders! Jill Rowley,...

Fri May 11, 2018 00:56

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