Feminism and more interesting stuff
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Neuroscience, Sex, and the Brain

Putting the Brain in Context Several recent popular books have drawn on neuroscientific findings to support the claim that there are ("hard-wired") psychological sex differences (Louann Brizendine's The Female Brain, for example, was a New York Times bestseller). Thousands of studies have indeed documented sex differences in the brain in practically...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02
Putting Sex Differences in Context

The plethora of psychological research on sex differences has relied heavily on the study of (Western, and more specifically American) undergraduates (majoring in psychology). In an important recent review, Henrich et al. (2010) convincingly cautioned against the overgeneralization of findings from particular human populations such as psychology majors...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02
The nature-nurture dichotomy

Two major strands of explanations exist to explain sex differences (i.e., differences between men and women). The first set of explanations is usually referred to as "nature" and contains that biological factors underlie alleged sex differences. Conversely, explanations that are usually referred to as "nurture" contain that sex differences in (social)...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02
Pink science: It’s a girl thing!

From the moment of birth, when we ask the simple question 'is it a boy or a girl', gender socialization takes off. But already before birth we start gender typing our "children-to-be". Before a child is born, parents (and others) spent hours speculating about if "it" is going to be a boy or a girl, choose different names to anticipate both outcomes,...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02
The Pursuit of Happiness (Concluding Remarks)

The truth will set you freeBy now, it should be clear that money is not the road to salvation (especially not as long as the Joneses are around). Where does this leave us? Should we change destinations, and stop pursuing happiness? Or do we just need to change roads, and focus on stuff than does turn us into happier people? There is little doubt that...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02
The Pursuit of Happiness (Part 3)

Three Facts worth DisseminatingFact Nº3: Everything is relative (including the fact that everything is relative)For the sake of completeness, absolute income is important for happiness when income is very low (let's say below the poverty line). However, as soon as people are able to fulfill their basic needs, relative changes in income are what really...

Fri May 8, 2015 22:02

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