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Color shouldn't matter.

Discomfort seems to be the theme for 2020, but for that I am thankful. If I have learned anything the past few months, it is that discomfort is the key to change. I have spent time reflecting and educating myself on the past week's events, the impact of white privilege on my daily life, and how I can actively promote anti-racism and support the Black...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14
How to use references in your writing

What is a citation? A citation is a note included in the body of a piece of writing that acknowledges where the author(s) found their information and gives credit where credit is due. Citations are an easy (yet widely misused) tool that can lend tremendous strength and credibility to your writing. As a writer, knowing how to properly cite sources...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14
What are vaccines and how do they protect you?

What is a vaccine? Some diseases are more difficult to prevent than others, so although good personal and public hygiene can help slow the spread of germs, they aren't 100% effective. Vaccines are made using a weakened, dead, or partial form of a disease-causing bacteria, virus, or parasite. In their weakened state, the germ is unable to replicate...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14
How to write the perfect lab report

What is a lab report? The main purpose of a lab report is to summarize scientific research you've performed and explain how the results relate to your hypothesis. Technical reports like these are an important part of science because, as a scientist, you have a responsibility to communicate your findings, what you learned, and why it matters.   Your...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14
What are viruses, anyway? A break down of the basics.

What are viruses? Viruses are pseudo-living parasitic particles (virions), generally 100x smaller than bacteria, that have a core of RNA or DNA, protein shell (capsid), and occasionally a fatty outer layer. They can infect all forms of life — animals, plants, protists, fungi, bacteria, and archaea — but cannot thrive or reproduce without first infecting...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14
How to work from home like a boss (without burning out)

For those of you new to working remotely — we're in this together. I just completed my 6th week at home. It has taken me most of that time to really feel adjusted to my new routine. Finding a way to be productive despite fear, stress, and unexpected distraction is a constant struggle.  Whether you're reading this during COVID-19, or just looking for...

Tue Jun 9, 2020 16:14

خوراک خبری خود را بسازید

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بدون نیاز به کارت اعتباری، یک دوره آزمایشی 14 روزه را شروع کنید.

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