News for nerds, stuff that matters
28k followers 55 نوشته / هفته
Have Scientists Found 'Potential Evidence' of Dyson Spheres?

Have scientists discovered infrared radiation, evidence of waste heat generated by the energy-harvesting star-surrounding spheres first proposed by British American physicist Freeman Dyson? CNN reports: [A] new study that looked at 5 million stars in the Milky Way galaxy suggests that seven candidates could potentially be hosting Dyson spheres...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 00:25
Rust's Foundation Announces a New 'Safety-Critical Rust Consortium'

This week the Rust Foundation jointly announced "the Safety-Critical Rust Consortium" with industry partners including Arm, AdaCore, Lynx Software Technologies, and Toyota's mobility tech subsidiary Woven. Its goal is supporting "responsible use" of Rust "in safety-critical software — systems whose failure can impact human life or cause severe environmental...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 21:40
Solar Modules Deployed In France In 1992 Still Provide 79.5% of Original Output

French photovoltaics group Hespul tested solar panels installed in 1992, reports PV Magazine: The testing showed that the modules still produce on average 79.5% of their initial power after 31 years of operation. In a previous testing carried out 11 years ago, the panels were found to produce 91.7% of their initial power. "This result exceeds the...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 21:23
An AI-Generated Candidate Wants to Run For Mayor in Wyoming

An anonymous reader shared this report from Futurism: An AI chatbot named VIC, or Virtually Integrated Citizen, is trying to make it onto the ballot in this year's mayoral election for Wyoming's capital city of Cheyenne. But as reported by Wired, Wyoming's secretary of state is battling against VIC's legitimacy as a candidate — and now, an...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 18:45
Python 'Language Summit' 2024: Security Workflows, Calendar Versioning, Transforms and Lightning Talks

Friday the Python Software Foundation published several blog posts about this year's "Python Language Summit" May 15th (before PyCon US), which featured talks and discussions by core developers, triagers, and Python implementation maintainers. There were several lightning talks. One talk came from the maintainer of the PyO3 project, offering Rust...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 17:12
Electricity Bills Forecasted To Climb With Summer Heat

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects Americans' monthly electricity bills to average $173 between June through August, compared to $168 last summer. "The slight bump in costs comes from consumers cranking up their air conditioning more to cope with a warmer season than last year," writes The Verge's Justine Calma. "Bills would have jumped...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 05:32

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