Putting science in the spotlight
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How Halloween Could Help You Kill Off Your Bad Cholesterol

Who knew that the little orange squashes we carve so enthusiastically every year could actually have some pretty dramatic health benefits? Individuals with high cholesterol levels could lower their cholesterol by eating pumpkin. In countries such as China, India, Korea, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, pumpkin has been used for traditional medicine...

Wed Oct 31, 2018 15:12
How Halloween Could Help You Kill Off Your Bad Cholesterol

Who knew that the little orange squashes we carve so enthusiastically every year could actually have some pretty dramatic health benefits? Individuals with high cholesterol levels could lower their cholesterol by eating pumpkin. In countries such as China, India, Korea, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, pumpkin has been used for traditional medicine...

Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:27
HPV Vaccine: Not (Just) For Girls?

I was 18 when I was offered the HPV vaccine. I was just on the cusp of the catch-up programme introduced in 2008. Back then, it was 3-dose schedule for those aged over 15 and only protected us from HPV types 16 and 18. Today, Gardasil, the current HPV vaccination, protects girls against types 6, 11, 16 and 18. The difference? Type 16 and 18 can cause...

Mon Jul 23, 2018 18:57
HPV Vaccine: Not (Just) For Girls?

I was 18 when I was offered the HPV vaccine. I was just on the cusp of the catch-up programme introduced in 2008. Back then, it was 3-dose schedule for those aged over 15 and only protected us from HPV types 16 and 18. Today, Gardasil, the current HPV vaccination, protects girls against types 6, 11, 16 and 18. The difference? Type 16 and 18 can cause...

Mon Jul 23, 2018 13:43
To Tan or Not to Tan?: that is the REAL question

It’s July and we are fast approaching the beginning of the school summer holidays. As kids all over the country are chanting school’s out for the summer (well, let’s face it, if they were it would be better than it’s coming home, right?), parent’s will already be wishing for the start of the new school term. Yet, most of the UK has already been basking...

Tue Jul 17, 2018 19:44
To Tan or Not to Tan?: that is the REAL question

It’s July and we are fast approaching the beginning of the school summer holidays. As kids all over the country are chanting school’s out for the summer (well, let’s face it, if they were it would be better than it’s coming home, right?), parent’s will already be wishing for the start of the new school term. Yet, most of the UK has already been basking...

Tue Jul 17, 2018 16:44

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