Tips, tricks, reviews and general rambling.
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*Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3, the new Bigma: A user review.

We are living in a time where our photographic reality is absolutely overflowing with optical options.  Regardless of which system or systems a photographer is invested in, the choices are plentiful. I was an early adopter of mirrorless system cameras, in fact this very blog was largely built upon the back of my passionate love affair with the micro...

Tue Dec 15, 2020 18:26
*Nauti or Nice? Camera strap sale and 10% of sales donated to Family Promise.

2020 has been one hell of a year. Few have scraped through unscathed. As we hit full holiday mode, we are constantly bombarded with sales, deals, and arguments to purchase many, many things. Some of us are struggling to provide what in past years have seemed “normal” for our families as we are affected by the continuing global pandemic....

Tue Dec 1, 2020 22:50
*It may not be much, but it’s something I can do.

To say that the last few years have been politically challenging would be a huge understatement not just where I happen to live, but globally.  Unfortunately, where I live happens to have proven to be impotent in its ability to see off these horrible setbacks and struggle to lead globally where we’ve been able to do in times past, which has been hugely...

Sun May 31, 2020 04:14
*Deepest strap discount I’ve ever offered – 35% off any and everything I make at

Anyone else going a little crazy lately?  It’s an unprecedented time in our collective human history, and while I am very ready to be done with it, I also understand the huge importance of staying the course lest we set ourselves back months or possibly open this pandemic up into irreversible territory. I know there are a lot of retail panderings...

Wed Apr 22, 2020 00:43
*Keep calm and take pictures. Covid Creatives Collective, Project 1 – one light

Hey!  How is everyone?  I’m going a little stir crazy and tired of reading/viewing stupid articles from various forms of media needing us to continue to read and watch the same, slightly warmed over pieces of information.  I get that it’s serious, and perhaps more than we’re giving credit to, but I’m gonna find ways to play with my camera as a break...

Thu Mar 19, 2020 02:34
*Sigma 56mm f/1.4 for Micro 4/3, holy crap…

While Panasonic seemingly focuses on video featured GH cameras along with their new full frame platform, and Olympus hopes pros jump to its EM1X, I’m over here enjoying my now aged, and in my mind legendarily ‘just right’ Goldilocks GX8 with some new glass.  I’ve long blown the horn for Sigma’s full frame optics, providing industry leading optical...

Tue Sep 10, 2019 19:27

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