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Inside Look: Data-Driven Personalization [Book + Podcast]

Marketers: it’s time to elevate your presence at the data table and create a more personalized experience for your customers. Two new resources are now available to help guide the way:Data-Driven Personalization: How to Use Consumer Insights to Generate Customer Loyalty, a new book by Zontee Hou, Convince...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 15:59
From Followers to Advocates: How to Build a Loyal Social Media Community

 Belonging is one of the five human needs according to Abraham Maslow, and is a major source of overall human motivation. So it’s no surprise that the need for wanting to be accepted by a group of people, and to feel seen and heard, is what humans seek in most interactions. This, at its core, can easily...

Tue May 28, 2024 11:19
Small Businesses’ Struggle for Marketing Confidence in Turbulent Times

In a world where confidence in marketing strategies is scarce and economic uncertainties loom large, small businesses are on a quest for resilience, seeking to fortify their marketing efforts amidst the relentless pressures of running a business. The Current State of SMB Marketing, a new research study Ascend2 completed with Constant Contact, uncovered...

Thu May 16, 2024 18:08
Are Branded Podcasts Worth the Investment in 2024?

Here’s a bit of trivia to use with your non-marketing friends: the word podcast comes from the combination of two words: iPod + broadcast. The former is in reference to the early 2000s Apple music device that has unfortunately already met its demise by being discontinued from production.Unlike iPods,...

Thu May 9, 2024 21:35
6 Crucial Findings From NetLine’s 2024 B2B Content Consumption Report

For the past eight years, NetLine’s annual analysis of B2B content consumption and demand has stood as a lighthouse for marketers navigating the stormy waters of content strategy and lead generation. This year’s analysis draws from an impressive 6.2 million first-party content registrations and offers...

Thu Apr 25, 2024 19:37
Mastering Social Media ROI: Steps to Empower Your Team

The struggle is real for social media leaders, managers, and teams. Whenever you mention that you work in social media, from the outside looking in, people think that you take a photo and/or video and just hit “post” to make the magic happen. Nevertheless, we know it takes much more work to manage a brand on social media. This includes the importance...

Sat Apr 13, 2024 02:38

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