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Roadblock meets fugitive Walked away…

Fri May 31, 2019 03:29
Evening Photos + Lazy Cat + Glass Half Full or Empty

(1) Franschhoek sunrise with the jacarandas blooming (Western Cape, South Africa) by Alexander Hill [account removed] More below the fold   (2) Storm brewing (Muskoka, Ontario) by T. Lupton (@tluptonimages)   (3) Altai autumn with birches (Teletskoye Lake, Altai, Russia) by Vlad Sokolovsky   (4) Canadian Pacific train in the Rockies (Alberta)...

Fri May 31, 2019 03:29
Broken Windows Works

Don’t be fooled by the latest efforts to discredit the criminological theory that underpins safer streets and cities. Broken Windows policing receives credit—rightly—for being part of the crime turnaround that saved New York and other cities. The theory, originating with George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson, argued that tolerating too much local...

Fri May 31, 2019 02:58
Silicon Valley, America’s De Facto Censor

Left-wing activists aren’t going to stop with social-media networks, or with nibbling at the soft right-wing fringe of discourse. Silicon Valley’s behemoth companies are incapable of steering through the cross-pressures pushing them to censor more. These pressures come from social activists working on them through threatened boycotts, it comes from...

Fri May 31, 2019 02:28
Burkina Faso’s war against militant Islamists

Recent attacks on churches in northern Burkina Faso are likely to be the work of jihadists whose activities are growing in the region despite a military operation to contain Islamist militancy. The country’s foreign minister says tackling terrorism has become a fight “for the very survival” of the Sahel region, which incorporates Burkina Faso, Chad,...

Fri May 31, 2019 01:58
Turning the Tables on “Global Zero”

Two narratives that provided justification for cutting America’s defense budget in the 1970s and 1990s — détente and the “end of history” — had a key component in common: Both were based on the assumption that existential national-security threats to the United States were either exaggerated or a thing of the past. In each narrative, this assumption...

Fri May 31, 2019 01:27

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