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Φώτης Κόντογλου περί τουρισμού

«Στον καιρό μας βγήκανε πολλές νέες θρησκείες. Μια απ’ αυτές είναι κι ο τουρισμός, που τον γέννησε η κούφια και χασομέρικη περιέργεια του ανθρώπου που θέλει να σκαλίζει και να μαθαίνει χωρίς να δίνει καμμιά σημασία σ᾿ εκείνο που βλέπει κι ακούει. Οι περισσότεροι τουρίστες βαριούνται τη ζωή τους και θέλουνε να περάσουνε την ώρα […]

Fri Jul 26, 2024 22:14
Diffusion maps

Here are some previous informal notes I’ve taken on the paper titled “Diffusion Maps and Coarse Graining: A Unified Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, Graph Partitioning, and Data Set Parameterization” authored by Stephane Lafon and Ann B. Lee. In this discussion, I will explore a core concept from the paper: the concept of “diffusion distance.”...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 09:41
Balance theory

In numerous contexts of our lives, specific dyadic interactions are characterized as “negative,” a term I use advisedly given its imprecise definition. To illustrate, consider one’s ego-centric networks, which are essentially the subgraphs formed by oneself and one’s immediate social connections. Within these networks, it is likely to identify relationships...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 00:42
Sampling from the simplex

How do we sample uniformly at random from the unit dimensional simplex? It turns out there is an easy way to do it: generate i.i.d. uniform variables in [0,1] and let denote the k-th smallest among them. Then,   is a desired sample from the unit simplex . It is straight-forward to prove now the […]

Fri Jun 7, 2024 00:42
Moving Forward: My Farewell to BU

As I bid farewell to Boston University, a place that has been my academic home over these past years, I am filled with a mix of emotions. The years since I started at BU and became a father have truly flown by. My tenure at BU, while challenging due to serious personal circumstances, has been […]

Tue May 21, 2024 22:52
Jim Simons (1938-2024)

Jim Simons, the math genius who conquered Wall Street, died yesterday. Jim Simons was a renowned mathematician and hedge fund manager, widely recognized for founding Renaissance Technologies, one of the world’s most successful quantitative investment firms. With a background in mathematics, Simons contributed significantly to the field of geometry and...

Sat May 11, 2024 23:13

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