Love your bacteria!
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IBD Patient Walk: A Gathering of Community

In early May, Team uBiome attended SF Take Steps, a fundraising walk hosted by and benefiting the Northern California Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. While the walk successfully raised money for the hosting organization, it also served as a community-building event for people in the Bay Area who have been affected by irritable bowel disease...

Mon Jun 4, 2018 20:23
Man’s – and Microbiome’s – Best Friend

Perhaps the most unconditional love we experience is from our dogs. Dogs see us at our best and our worst and never falter in their loyalty and affection. They are faithful companions, cuddly sleeping partners, energetic exercise buddies, and great listeners. More broadly, dogs can significantly aid in managing and mitigating their owner’s depression,...

Wed May 30, 2018 20:14
Prebiotics 101: What They Are, What They Do, and Where You Can Find Them

You’ve probably heard of probiotics, living microorganisms that support a healthy digestive tract. Eating them, or having them inside your gut, can help your digestive system function more efficiently and may contribute to a healthier immune system, among other health benefits. But have you heard of prebiotics? According to the official definition,...

Wed May 23, 2018 21:31
Are uBiome’s Tests Reproducible? In a Word: Yes!

In our previous blog post –  which was also posted on Medium – we wrote about the use of 16S rRNA gene (“16S”) amplification and sequencing for the analysis of microbial communities, such as those found in our gut. One of the topics we wrote about was the reproducibility of 16S analysis. Reproducibility is how similar the outcome of a test is if you...

Tue May 22, 2018 02:42
Ten Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask Your Gynecologist (But Shouldn’t Be)

There’s nothing like a trip to the gynecologist to make you feel glamorous, right? There’s the expertly tailored paper gown and the equally fashionable paper throw to drape over our knees. And who needs high heels when we can slip our dainty feet into cold, metal stirrups? Okay, so maybe the thought of visiting the gynecologist ranks somewhere between...

Fri May 18, 2018 23:46
Meet Lactobacillus: The Vagina’s Beneficial Bacteria

From yeast infections to STIs, there’s a lot of info out there about how certain microbes can hurt our vaginal health. Growing up, some of us were taught that vaginas are inherently “dirty” and that we need to “clean” our vaginas with harsh soaps or douches. But the truth is just the opposite! Rather than harsh vaginal washes or flower-scented tampons—which...

Thu May 17, 2018 01:37

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