212 followers 4 articles/week
Traska Venturer GMT

Imagine if you could go buy an exceptionally well finished watch, with a great movement, a really modern-if-classic design, and do that all for under $1,000? That’s what the Traska Venturer GMT offers, and in a lot of ways it represents the best value for dollar on the watch market. But labeling it as a value buy, is a disservice to what this watch...

Thu Jul 25, 2024 15:03
High Twist: The Low-Cost Leap

Fun show this week, appreciate all the new subscribers! In this episode, Bruce and Ben dive into the world of wardrobe transitions and experimenting with new styles. They discuss their personal experiences with trying out new clothing items, from blazers to white denim, and offer advice on how to approach these transitions without breaking...

Tue Jul 23, 2024 19:21
Topo Designs TopoLite Accessory Bag – Quick Thumbs Up

I’ll keep this short and sweet. I am pretty ambivalent about the standard Topo Designs Accessory Bag, they can feel oddly bulky and like overkill. But I was intrigued by the Topolite variant which uses a lighter fabric for the same Accessory Bag. This is the correct way to execute this Accessory Bag, and it’s fantastic. Materials and Size Made...

Tue Jul 23, 2024 14:22
Member Journal — 7/22/24

This week: talking about iOS/iPadOS UI Paradigms that are really not good; and some links of interest. You must be a member to read the rest of this article. (Already a member? Log In.)

Mon Jul 22, 2024 14:28
Sid Mashburn’s Ghost Blazer

This ‘blazer’ is one of my favorite items of clothing — so much so that even given the pricing (roughly $1,000), I own three of these blazers and still want more. If you look at this blazer online before you read about it, you’ll likely not get what makes it so great — you’ll be distracted by what looks like a rather traditional blazer. But that’s...

Thu Jul 18, 2024 14:33
High Twist: Watch Yourself

Dive into the world of watches with Bruce and Ben as they explore the intricacies of timepieces, from affordable options to luxury brands. This episode covers everything from why watches matter in the digital age to how to choose the perfect watch for your style and budget. The hosts share their personal experiences, offer practical advice on buying...

Wed Jul 17, 2024 03:19

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