The Practical Developer is a collection of programming resources to help developers grow and learn.
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Functional Programming Concepts in Kotlin

Introduction: Functional programming is a programming paradigm that is gaining popularity due to its efficient and concise code. Kotlin, a multi-platform programming language, supports functional programming concepts and combines them with object-oriented programming. This article will discuss the various functional programming concepts in Kotlin...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:51
Producer-Consumer Pattern

In this post, Goroutines and channels are introduced. These are 2 of the most useful constructs in go. Together, when used properly, they give developers great flexibility in dealing with concurrency. They are one of the most common topics in an interview. Implement a simple producer consumer pattern in go. var buffer = make(chan int,...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:51
Data Orientation in Relational Databases

Data orientation is a fundamental concept to database design because it determines how data is stored and accessed. In relational databases, understanding data orientation is critical to optimizing performance, storage efficiency, and query execution. There are two main types of data orientation in relational databases: 👉 Row-oriented storage:...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:51
[Game of Purpose] Day 68

Today I imported all the animations (dying, damaging, limping, etc.) to the project. Its ~40 of them and I want to make a simple demo map, where I display them all in a grid. It is not that simple. I tried to do that similarly to how Lyria project did: First I tried that in Cpp, but failed miserably and thought...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:51
Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning involves a set of algorithm that are used to learn patterns from a data without targets (labels). Unsupervised Learning does not require that each that data point in the dataset be This is Contrarily to Supervised Learning that requires that each data point should have a label, which means that the dataset consists of features...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:51
Tips to become a skilled problem-solving developer!!

One of the most important skills we should develop as software engineers is the solving-problems. In this short post we are going to see some tips are very useful to get better our experience solving problems... Note: There is no magic in the world of software development, the practice and try to solve the problems by ourselves is the best...

Sat Jul 27, 2024 03:20

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