Today’s “information age” is predominantly powered by five major technology companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google – or “FAANG”. Each season, we’ll dive into one corporation and examine the ways it’s changed our lives – for better an
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Disney is an Animation Company

Disney’s soul is arguably its animation studio, which has a 100-year track record of creating iconic characters and stories, and a distinct brand centered around “once upon a time.” Not so long ago, Disney produced films like "The Little Mermaid" and "The Lion King," catapulting animation into the mainstream while burnishing Disney's own brand as the...

Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:45
Disney is a Theme Parks Company

These days the Walt Disney Company is mostly a theme parks company. About 70 percent of its operating income comes from its parks and other experiences like Disney Cruises. But the parks do something else: they help the company attach itself to our emotions, memories, and identities. How can Disney continue to strengthen this relationship in an era...

Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:16
Disney is a TV Company

When you think about Disney, your first thought isn’t “cable television giant.” But Disney’s broadcast and cable television holdings, especially ESPN, helped turbocharge Disney’s growth over the last 30 years. It was a formula that worked extremely well – until now. As more and more consumers cut the cable cord, Disney must reckon with declining assets...

Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:52
The Disney Dilemma

Over the past 100 years, the Walt Disney Company has grown from a small animation studio to become one of the largest companies in the world, with an enviable history of creative and financial success. But as it's grown and acquired companies like Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm, can its winning streak continue? What has Disney lost in the process of getting...

Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:42
Elon Saves Humanity

A little over a year ago, Elon Musk made the world’s most expensive impulse purchase. His reasons for buying Twitter were murky at best, but in the story he tells now, he’s saving civilization. In the final episode of this season, we look at Twitter today, inside Elon’s fantasy. What happens when the world’s richest man buys the global town square -...

Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:19
Havoc On the Platform, and Off

Twitter employees had always imagined the platform would be used for social good. Their idea was that free expression on the internet would lead to good things. But after the 2016 U.S. election, that notion would be put under stress. And Twitter would have to grapple with the question: what happens when its powerful superuser - who also happens to be...

Wed Nov 8, 2023 11:57

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