Updates, ideas, and inspiration from GitHub to help developers build and design software.
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Unlocking the power of unstructured data with RAG

Whether they’re building a new product or improving a process or feature, developers and IT leaders need data and insights to make informed decisions. When it comes to software development, this data exists in two ways: unstructured and structured. While structured data follows a specific and predefined format, unstructured data—like email, an audio...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 19:08
GitHub Availability Report: May 2024

In May, we experienced one incident that resulted in significant degraded performance across GitHub services. May 21 11:40 UTC (lasting 7 hours 26 minutes) On May 21, various GitHub services experienced latency due to a configuration change in an upstream cloud provider. GitHub Copilot Chat experienced p50 latency of up to 2.5s and p95 latency of...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 22:08
Leveraging technology on the frontlines of emergency: How communities of developers are taking action

Coming from the humanitarian sector, I’ve seen firsthand how organizations are leveraging tech in innovative ways to solve global problems. At GitHub, the more I learn from these organizations, the more I realize that the most powerful parts of them are the leaders who dedicate their lives to creating change, and the huge communities of people they’ve...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 19:38
How we improved push processing on GitHub

What happens when you push to GitHub? The answer, “My repository gets my changes” or maybe, “The refs on my remote get updated” is pretty much right—and that is a really important thing that happens, but there’s a whole lot more that goes on after that. To name a few examples: Pull requests are synchronized, meaning the diff and commits in your pull...

Tue Jun 11, 2024 20:07
10 years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty Program

Each year, we celebrate the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program, highlighting impressive bugs and researchers, rewards, live hacking events, and more. This year, we celebrate a new milestone: 10 years of the GitHub Security Bug Bounty program! While we’ve had some exciting growth over the last 10 years, the goals of our program have not changed. The...

Tue Jun 11, 2024 19:07
Top 12 Git commands every developer must know

Welcome to GitHub for Beginners, our series to help newcomers like you learn the basics of everything from repositories to pull requests and more. (Don’t know what those are yet? That’s okay, it’s why we’re here!) In our previous post, we covered the fundamentals of Git, and today we’re taking it a step further by talking about the most important...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 16:08

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