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Dangerous metaphors in AI

“In technology, we use metaphors to simplify and relate ideas. They serve as stepping stones to explaining high-level concepts and popularizing AI.We must be cautious about the metaphors we embrace and the narratives we construct when discussing AI’s future. They shape our perceptions, set expectations, and guide our actions. When people say ‘data is...

Mon Jul 22, 2024 14:10
Figma AI is going to change your design job applications

“Design bootcamps are the main culprits for the demise of design portfolios. Somehow, there is a sterile treatment to the design process. Use a persona template. Create a journey map. Sketches first, then wireframes, then high-fidelity screens. Especially with the junior designer position, the likelihood of seeing the same formula applied in every portfolio...

Mon Jul 15, 2024 14:20
On finding the essence of your thinking

Professionals across various industries have historically relied on concepts to communicate and sell ideas. Concepts are very common in advertising, branding, marketing, graphic design, fashion, architecture, and many more creative fields. It all comes down to the human brain's innate attraction to narrative and metaphor and how we can leverage this...

Mon Jul 8, 2024 14:19
AI ethicists are speaking out, but are we listening?

“There are many out there, but these five folks are having tough conversations with the government, big tech, and other technologists. They are bringing to light the issues that are starting to unfold with social media, generative AI, and LLMs and trying to change the script of how we design moving forward more ethically for a brighter future.”AI ethicists...

Mon Jul 1, 2024 14:20
Design without process, or the form factor trap

“One complaint has persistently followed me through the graphic design, UX, product, and consulting phases of my career. I heard it over and over, directed not just at me but at my functional and cross-functional colleagues:The process is taking too long. When can we get the deliverable?”Design without process, or the form factor trap →All your web...

Mon Jun 24, 2024 14:20
Is AI killing human passion?

“In an era where AI can paint like Picasso and write like Hemingway, the line between human genius and silicon savvy blurs. We were once advised to chase our dreams and turn our passions into paychecks. But what happens when the canvas of our dreams becomes a playground for algorithms that can churn out masterpieces in milliseconds? How to find passion...

Mon Jun 17, 2024 14:32

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