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Plotting a Path to a Package Ecosystem without Data Race Errors

Swift 6 introduces compile-time data race safety checking for any code that opts in to use the Swift 6 language mode. While individual modules can adopt this mode incrementally and independently of their dependencies, the full benefit of runtime data race safety is only realized when all modules have opted in. Therefore, the quick adoption of Swift...

Mon Jul 1, 2024 18:52
New GitHub Organization for the Swift Project

Today, we are announcing an exciting development for the Swift programming language: its migration to a dedicated GitHub organization at GitHub.com/swiftlang. This migration reflects the growth and maturity of the Swift community and highlights Swift’s versatility beyond Apple’s own ecosystems. Over the last decade, many inspiring individuals’ hard...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 23:33
Get Started with Embedded Swift on ARM and RISC-V Microcontrollers

We’re pleased to introduce a repository of example projects that demonstrate how Embedded Swift can be used to develop software on a range of microcontrollers. Swift is a scalable language, great for writing desktop and mobile apps, server backends, and system software. And as you may have seen, thanks to a new, experimental compilation mode, you...

Wed Apr 3, 2024 20:26
SSWG 2024 Annual Update

In this annual post, the Swift Server WorkGroup (SSWG) reflects on the community, ecosystem-wide accomplishments and the workgroup’s focus areas for the year ahead. Since our previous update, Swift on the Server has continued to grow in many ways. Let’s start with a look at the progress made in 2023, then look ahead and next steps for 2024. 2023...

Thu Mar 28, 2024 23:28
Writing GNOME Apps with Swift

Swift is well-suited for creating user interfaces thanks to the clean syntax, static typing, and special features making code easier to write. Result builders, combined with Swift’s closure expression syntax, can significantly enhance code readability. Adwaita for Swift leverages these Swift features to provide an intuitive interface for developing...

Mon Mar 25, 2024 19:12
Introducing Swift's Benchmark Package: Complementing Unit Tests with Performance Checks

In the world of software development, the old adage “make it work, make it right, make it fast” serves as a guiding principle for creating robust, efficient applications. This journey starts with ensuring that our code functions as intended, a task where unit and integration testing have proven indispensable. However, ensuring functionality is only...

Wed Mar 20, 2024 19:19

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