Brand Story Strategy For Entrepreneurs
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Creativity Is A Journey

Eleven years ago, I discovered blogging. Inspired by my clients’ stories and their questions, I began posting weekly, then daily for a while. I hadn’t written for an audience since I left school more than thirty years before. Nobody was more surprised than I was to discover that people wanted to read what I wrote here and in the books that followed....

Tue Aug 9, 2022 11:54
What Great Storytellers Know

My idea of a good non-fiction book is one without filler that I read to the end without skimming. I like to invest in a book that will teach me something in an afternoon that I can use for a lifetime. Those are the goals I had in mind when I wrote my new book, What Great Storytellers Know. We’ve always used stories to entertain, teach, and inspire....

Tue Dec 15, 2020 20:40

MORE LIKE THIS FROM THE STORY OF TELLINGMessage ReceivedIf You Want To Be Noticed, Start NoticingThe Distinction Between Needs And WantsThe Assumptions ChecklistHow Much Information Is Enough?

Mon Nov 16, 2020 08:35
Whoever Tells The Best Story Wins

What a year 2020 has been for every one of us. For the first time in human history, every nation around the world is working on the same problem. The leaders who earned our trust during these challenging times were the ones who spoke to our hearts, not just our heads. They harnessed the power of stories, our most persuasive technology. Storytelling...

Mon Nov 9, 2020 20:36
Walking As Yourself

The legendary British actress, Helen Mirren, says the hardest thing you can do is walk as yourself. She may have been speaking about acting when she said this, but I think her words carry wisdom we can use beyond the stage. Society conditions us to fit in from a young age. The way to fit in is not to do anything out of the ordinary. By definition,...

Thu Jul 30, 2020 22:33
On Sufficiency

My favourite childhood stories were those written by Laura Ingalls Wilder about her pioneer family and life in the Big Woods of Wisconsin. Her family lived on their wits. They were grateful for what they had and prepared for uncertain seasons. In tough times they made do and relied on their skills, but also turned to their community for help. The...

Tue Jul 28, 2020 22:55

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