A journal of typography with a focus on typeface reviews.
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Typographica is Twenty Years Old

This website just passed its twentieth birthday. In web years, that’s more like a centennial. At the risk of waxing nostalgic, I’m posting a few highlights from our first year.

Fri Jul 15, 2022 06:27
A Grammar of Typography: Classical Book Design in the Digital Age

Argetsinger aims to teach a new generation of designers how to uphold the standards and principles of the printers of old, in this strange new era when the composing stick is a text frame and the ink stone is a menu of swatches.

Fri Jan 7, 2022 03:17
Nadine Chahine & Ksenya Samarskaya Cochair the TDC’s 25th Typeface Design Competition

Can the world’s longest-running type design competition reimagine itself as a truly global display of abundance? Tanya George interviews this year’s cochairs.

Thu Dec 9, 2021 06:19
Now Open: the Typographica Library

We just launched the Typographica Library, a digital bookshelf of type and lettering resources to aid research and selection.

Fri Oct 22, 2021 06:47
Type Design in the Museum: Acquiring the Immaterial

Craig Eliason explores how the peculiarities inherent to type design shed light on the purpose and practices of the design museum in the contemporary world.

Fri Apr 16, 2021 03:17
Sandoll Chilseong Shipyard

In 1952, toward the end of the Korean War, Chilseong Shipyard was established in Sokcho, South Korea. The humble family operation built ships and served as a local fishery for generations. In 2017, third-generation owner Choi Yoonseong and his partner Baek Eunjeong restored it as a cultural space to preserve the shipyard’s legacy for future generations,...

Sat Mar 6, 2021 03:43

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