UX Planet
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Will AI chat replace legacy UIs? Unlikely for editor UIs.

This strategic UX insight might have been one of the reasons why OpenAI decided to become a platform company rather than a solutions company.Authors: Zsombor Varnagy-Toth is a UX Researcher and author of “A Knack for Usability Testing.” Nedda Nagy is a UX Designer. They both work at SAP Emarsys, but the views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06
Are Variables Worth the Hustle?

Are Variables Worth the Hustle? Exploring the Impact of using Figma’s Variables and Conditionals in PrototypesIf you are a designer using Figma then you are probably familiar with building prototypes to help take your static designs into realistic versions of your product.Prior to the launch of variables and conditionals, Figma’s prototyping tools allowed...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06
Some Takeaways from WWDC24 for EdTech

New iPad OS 18 Features and Their Impact on LearningiPadOS18 (Image from Apple)WWDC24 introduced several innovative features in iPad OS 18 that promise to revolutionize the EdTech landscape. Four standout features — Handwriting with Smart Script, Live Audio Transcription, Highlighting and Collapsible Sections, and Math Notes & Calculator — hold...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06
AI’s Role in Enhancing User Feedback Loops

Using AI to Gather, Analyze, and Act on User Feedback More Effectively to Improve UXFor those who are unaware of UX design, a fast-paced yet steadily growing industry, let it be stated that feedback is a true commodity of the trade. Imagining freedom to gain insights about your users , how they interact with your product, and telling you when it’s working...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06
Reintroducing comment sections to Netflix— a product strategy

Did you know Netflix actually used to have comments?I saw a post on Threads about how nice it would be if Netflix has comment sections. Over 8,000 people were interested, so I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to explore my product strategy skills.This discussion got me thinking: how could a Netflix comment section work today? Would you use...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06
Intrigued by XR: A Product Designer’s Exploration of User Experience and Interaction Design

“VR is the ultimate empathy machine. It lets you literally walk in someone else’s shoes” (Oculus Connect 2014). — Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VRHaving recently completed the User Experience (UX) and Interaction Design (IXD) for VR, MR, AR, and XR at the University of Michigan, I’m fascinated by the potential of these immersive technologies. As...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 18:06

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