Hello, I'm a Data Scientist and I love to play with pixels.
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Brunel network: A comprehensive framework for studying neural network dynamics

In his work from 2000ꜛ, Nicolas Brunel introduced a comprehensive framework for studying the dynamics of sparsely connected networks. The network is based on spiking neurons with random connectivity and differently balanced excitation and inhibition. It is characterized by a high level of sparseness and a low level of firing rates. The model is able...

Sun Jul 21, 2024 19:33
Oscillatory population dynamics of GIF neurons simulated with NEST

In this tutorial, we will explore the oscillatory population dynamics of generalized integrate-and-fire (GIF) neurons simulated with NEST. The GIF neuron model is a biophysically detailed model that captures the essential features of spiking neurons, including spike-frequency adaptation and dynamic threshold behavior. By simulating such a population...

Sun Jul 14, 2024 15:46
Izhikevich SNN simulated with NEST

In this post, we explore how easy it is it is to set up a large-scale, multi-population spiking neural network (SNN) with the NEST simulator. We simulate a simple SNN comprising two distinct populations of Izhikevich neurons, demonstrating the efficiency and flexibility of NEST and its capability to handle complex neural network simulations with ease....

Sun Jun 30, 2024 16:26
Connection concepts in NEST

In the previous post, we learned about the basic concepts of the NEST simulator and how to create a simple single neuron model. This time, we will take a closer look at the connection concepts in NEST, which are crucial for building more complex neural networks. Introduction Connectionsꜛ in NEST are created via the nest.Conncetion(pre, post,...

Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:05
Assessing animal behavior with machine learning: New DeepLabCut tutorial

I have added a hands-on tutorial to the Assessing Animal Behavior lecture. The tutorial covers the GUI-based use of DeepLabCutꜛ, a popular open-source software package for markerless pose estimation of animals. DeepLabCut uses deep learning to track the movements of animals in videos, enabling the study of behavior in a high-throughput and multi-modal...

Mon Jun 24, 2024 01:32
Step-by-step NEST single neuron simulation

While NEST is designed for large-scale simulations of neural spike networks, the underlying models are based on approximating the behavior of single neurons and synapses. Before using NEST for network simulations, it is probably helpful to first understand the basic functions of the software tool by modelling and studying the behavior of individual...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 18:51

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