Telling stories through food.
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Losing Connie

Earlier this month, the spinal CSF leak community lost a bright light when Connie Rim passed away. Her Facebook page, called My CSF Leak Story, was where she detailed her long fight trying to get sealed and healed. A few days after she passed, her husband posted words from Connie about her death, sharing it with the world. Connie sustained her...

Mon May 27, 2024 01:50
The Legal Nomads Gluten Free Guide to Ottawa

I have now spent two years in the National Capital Region, with one year in Aylmer in Quebec, and one year in Ottawa. While this guide focuses primarily on Ottawa, I’ve included a few spots ‘across the river’ on the Quebec side, as there are some celiac-friendly treats there that aren’t to be missed. As many of you know, I am disabled now with...

Wed Jul 5, 2023 17:48
My Favourite Books of 2022

I know, I know. After not posting for a year, I’m on a roll. Initially, I was going to include this post in my 2022 gift guide, but the gift guide got too long and I thought it was best to split them up into two. Given how much I love reading, I wanted to spotlight the books that I thought were worth spending some time on. I can’t read anywhere...

Mon Dec 19, 2022 03:47
A Few Important Updates From a Year of Change

When I started Legal Nomads as a blog in 2008, I did so so that friends and family could follow me after I quit my job as a lawyer to travel the world for one year. Of course, one year turned into many—you all know the story by now. When the site began to grow sharply in the years that followed, I made a decision to keep it ad-free and not take...

Wed Nov 2, 2022 18:06
Connecting the Dots: My Chronic Pain Explained. (And a Long Overdue Update)

It’s been awhile, and though I do share tidbits more frequently on social media and via my newsletter, I wanted to do a full write up of what has been going on. I haven’t published a blog post since April, so this is a long overdue update. It shares some exciting professional news, but also the personal as it relates to my health. This community...

Thu Oct 7, 2021 18:21
3 Years Later, A Surprising Reunion with Something Important

A few weeks into December, I received a message in my “requests” folder on Facebook. I didn’t know it at the time, since it was buried in Facebook purgatory. It was only a month later that I thought to check my requests inbox. I found the following message. Hi, you don’t know me, but we found a backpack with your credit cards in it on my roof in Park...

Tue Apr 27, 2021 19:48

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