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Bypassing EDRs With EDR-Preloading

Evading user mode EDR hooks by hijacking the AppVerifier layer

Tue Feb 13, 2024 08:28
Silly EDR Bypasses and Where To Find Them

Abusing exception handlers to hook and bypass user mode EDR hooks.

Wed Dec 27, 2023 06:00
An Introduction to Bypassing User Mode EDR Hooks

Understanding the basics of user mode EDR hooking, common bypass techniques, and their limitations.

Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:15
It might Be Time to Rethink Phishing Awareness

Phishing awareness can be a powerful security tool, or a complete disaster. It all hinges on how you implement it.

Wed Sep 20, 2023 21:16
A Realistic Look at Implications of ChatGPT for Cybercrime

Analyzing ChatGPT's capabilities and various claims about how it will revolutionize cybercrime.

Tue Feb 21, 2023 19:48
TikTok is a National Security Risk, Not A Privacy One

An analysis of the threat posed by TikTok and why we need to weigh our options carefully.

Thu Dec 15, 2022 22:20

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