Level up your life, every single day.
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What we get wrong about time

Today I’m going to teach you a valuable lesson about time from a giant tree. No, not Groot. Redwoods. If you drive down the Avenue of the Giants in Northern California, you’ll find yourself weaving in and out of some of the most majestic, gigantic redwood trees you’ll ever see. If you’re having trouble picturing this in your mind, think back to...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 22:05
Ulysses Pacts: STOP believing in yourself

Last week, I downloaded a new video game to play. And 30 minutes later, I uninstalled the game. Not because I didn’t like the game, but specifically because I liked the game too much. The game is called Dave the Diver, where you are a SCUBA Diver/Sushi restaurant owner. You spend each day diving and catching fish, and then each evening serving sushi...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 22:20
The 20 Seconds of Courage Challenge

As part of my operation “Revisit the past 15 years of Nerd Fitness,” and after writing about our ​Never 2 in a Row Rule​, I updated one of the most popular posts and ideas I’ve ever put together: ​20 Seconds of Courage​. What started as an obscure line from an obscure Matt Damon movie, We Bought a Zoo, has since become a rallying cry for the Nerd...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 22:20
The “Never Two in a Row” Rule

I was talking with a friend recently who said he had hit a bit of a plateau. We’ve all been there – that uncomfortable place where the scale stops moving, or the strength gainz slow down. Heck, I’ve even written a whole article about ​busting through a plateau​. As I’ve been revisiting the last 15 years of Nerd Fitness, I stumbled across an absolute...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 22:20
The Big Problem with Self-Care

I bet you feel burned out right now. Overworked, underpaid, anxious, stretched too thin. All of those fun things! I also bet you’re frustrated you can’t lose weight the way you’d hoped, you wish you had more energy to get your job done, and you wish you could be a better partner and parent. You’re struggling, and you wish you could just get your...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 22:20
5 fitness beliefs I’ve changed my mind on:

In 2009, I was an enthusiastic, optimistic, and slightly (very) naive nerd who started NerdFitness.com to help other nerds level up their lives and live a tiny bit better. Since then, I’ve done my best to build an identity as a lifelong learner who isn’t tied to a specific ideology or philosophy. This meant I got plenty of things right, and I also...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 22:20

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