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[R] Resources Critiquing Grad-CAM Paper Versions

Hello everyone, I'm writing a report about the Grad-CAM paper that was published a few years ago. During my research, I discovered that there are multiple versions of this paper, ranging from version 1 to version 4. I am particularly interested in finding resources that critique the shortcomings of the earlier versions and what changed in the other...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 19:54
[P] Creating a sign-language to speech converter gui, but facing issues with bbox from cv2. Any idea?

High school student creating an ASL sign-language to text converter. I tried updating my cv2 and bbox, but its already the latest version. Everytime I run the data_collection_final.py file, it returns the error saying 'TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str', with regards to this line: x, y, w, h = hand['bbox'] If relevant, it also...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 19:54
Generative Diffusion Models explained step-by-step in 15 concepts! [D]

Sharing a video from my YT channel about latent diffusion models starting from the basics to some pretty advanced stuff. I also share my experiences implementing a simple diffusion model from scratch to generate human faces from text prompts. Enjoy! Link: https://youtu.be/w8YQcEd77_o submitted by /u/AvvYaa [link] [comments]

Sat Jun 15, 2024 19:54
[R] What’s Memory Tuning and how does it give higher accuracy + speed than RAG and prompting?

First, how it works: Memory Tuning fine-tunes millions of LoRA adapters (memory experts) on any open-source LLM to ensure accurate fact recall. During inference, the model retrieves and integrates the most relevant experts, (a lot like information retrieval). This gives much high accuracy and reduced hallucinations. This approach maintains the model's...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 16:54
[D] How to network at a conference

How to network in a conference Hi everyone! I'm attending my first big conference next week- CVPR. Everyone mentioned that I should spend a lot of time networking with other students and senior researchers. I have also managed to secure invites to socials of Google and Meta. I suck at all things social. How do I approach other researchers and talk...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 13:54
[D] Hierarchical Bottlenecked Neural Blocks

Embeddings calculating networks result from trying to optimally compress the encoding of an uncompressed word or sentence, into as few as possible outputs. Could incorporating such bottlenecks inside large neural network architectures, most likely in varying size hierarchies, help generalization? For example, there could be utilized such bottlenecks...

Sat Jun 15, 2024 13:54

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