One man, one woman, living the London cocktail lifestyle
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Two gins, sake cocktails and Giulia Cuccurullo– new podcast!

It’s World Gin Day on 8th June, so what better reason to crack open not one, but two bottles of tasty gins? Our first is Citadelle Rouge from France, the other is Garden Swift, a deliciously crafted gin lovingly made in the Cotswolds. Listen to our new episode on your favourite podcast channel or direct right here… Jim Meehan is...

Sat Jun 8, 2024 13:03
Bigging up agave spirits- new podcast!

with special guest Jesse Estes… Before we get started, please accept our apologies: there are some shocking pronunciations coming up. But what we lack in Mexican fluency, we certainly make up for in passion for the spirits the country produces. In this episode we open two bottles of tequila, Avíon Silver and Patrón Extra Añejo; get all...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 13:36
Win a trip to the Himalayas with Hapusa Gin’s Forager’s Championships

Are you one of those creative bartenders who fall into the ‘I-come-up-with-my-best-ideas-at-the-last-minute-camp?’ Then have we got a comp for you. Hapusa Gin are recruiting for their inaugural cocktail competition and you have just two, count them, two days to get your entries in. The pressure is worth it though: the winner of the UK final will to...

Thu May 30, 2024 13:18
Introducing The Pinnacle Guide, the new recognition system for bars- new podcast!

With founders Hannah Sharman-Cox, Siobhan Payne and Dan Dove… Foodies have Michelin stars, and now, thanks to Hannah Sharman-Cox, Siobhan Payne and Dan Dove, the drinks world has an equivalent with the long-awaited launch of The Pinnacle Guide. But before we catch up with the terrific trio we have some business to tend to, in the form of our...

Fri May 10, 2024 13:41
Incoming: new menu drop from Sexy Fish London, Manchester and Miami – launching in Rome…

If we know anything about Director of Bars at Caprice Holdings, Xavier Landais, and his thinking behind a new Sexy Fish menu, it’s that he and his team never do anything by halves. Last year they revealed it to great aplomb in six cities across six continents on one day for goodness sakes.  It was a feat even Landais concluded nearly broke him....

Tue May 7, 2024 17:33
In memory of Lexie Constantinescu

I didn’t know Lexie (Lecsie) well. But that doesn’t matter. Having had the pleasure of spending four days with her in Havana with her for the first Havana Club Club Cocktail Maestros competition, I was drawn to her beautiful smile, gentle spirit and beautiful soul. Everyone was. You couldn’t help it. She had an inner beauty that shone through and touched...

Sun May 5, 2024 00:26

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