Sometimes we write stuff that is good enough.
23 followers 0 articles/week
TIL: Fixing Broken Action Text Images in Atom Feeds

For a while now we've seen that images in our Pika atom feeds were not displaying in some feed readers. In fact, they weren't displaying in my own feed reader, which routes through Feedly. I was sad. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this. Compared our feed with a lot of atom and RSS feeds that worked. Eventually I came to a hair-brained idea:...

Thu May 16, 2024 23:48

TLDNR: If you have an interest in Good Enough succeeding, we need your help! Telling friends, shouting on socials, and sharing links to our stuff with your favorite influencers–all of these things will help Good Enough succeed and continue making amazing stuff! As we’ve been trying to spread the word on some of our recent product efforts, we’ve spent...

Thu Apr 18, 2024 19:50
Let's talk about conversations

If you subscribe to our newsletter — which you do, right? — then you'll know that recently we've been thinking about conversations. We're a small group making fun software for people, and we like to have conversations with those people; the lovely folks who like our take on blogging or our super-simple contact form, or who want a copy of the zine,...

Mon Mar 4, 2024 16:45
TIL: Easily Support Gravatars in Rails

We’re building some software where we’d like to display avatars for email contacts even if they aren’t users of our software. While Gravatar is a relic of Web 2.0, we’ve found that there are still a significant number of people who have their email addresses in that system. Here’s how I streamlined displaying an avatar for an email address if it...

Fri Feb 23, 2024 23:13
How We Built Unique Social Preview Images for Pika

One of the goals of Pika, the happy blogging software that we recently launched, is to help you find your own place on the internet. Along with a nice place on the internet, when you share links to your blog we want them to represent your internet home, which you've likely taken a little time to make just so. Sharing your blog on social networks,...

Mon Feb 12, 2024 19:57
Pika: Start Your Happy Blog

Have you thought about starting or restarting a blogging habit? Have you wanted to write on the internet, but at your own place and at your own address rather than on a social network? Have you been overwhelmed by the online writing options that you’ve found? Well, have we got just the thing for you! Sign up for Pika now! Two months ago I wrote...

Wed Jan 31, 2024 17:44

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