Robb is an independant creative developer from South Wales. He loves helping organisations turn exciting ideas into complex, creative products. Sometimes, he also writes in the third person.
22 followers 0 articles/week
Getting something from Nothing

In the last couple of years I have developed a complicated relationship with my phone. Whether it's scrolling past an endless wall of hate on Twitter or feeling my mood buckle under the weight of every TikTok or Reel that I push skywards, the tiny computer in my pocket has started to feel a bit like that box from Dune – there's nothing but pain in there....

Wed Feb 28, 2024 23:32
It's OK to abandon your side-project

The web industry is full to the brim with tales of side-projects that grew into successful businesses and, like many of us, I'll often find myself tinkering away on an idea or three after I've finished with my day-job. Whilst it's definitely an enticing prospect, working on a side-project is not always sunshine and Lambos though – sometimes they just...

Thu Feb 22, 2024 13:55
2023 Wrapped

For the past few years I've tried to do a little retrospective post on the year that was. This year, inspired by the endless "such-and-such wrapped" tracking-data-as-entertainment emails that I've been getting, I'm going to mix up the format a bit and throw in an extra rundown of some of the media I enjoyed this year. So, let's go. Here's my 2023 Wrapped...

Mon Jan 1, 2024 01:01
Locking scroll with :has()

It's finally happened – with the release of Firefox 121.0 :has() has landed in all browsers (though writing ":has() has" is sadly no less awkward). In celebration, I thought it a good time to share one of my favourite practical uses of :has() so far – scroll locks. Imagine that you need to open a modal window, or flyout menu. To prevent from losing...

Wed Dec 20, 2023 13:15
HTML is like a camera

Recently, as I started getting back into photography I read something that stuck with me (though sadly the source didn't). To paraphrase: If you were able to take a great photo on a camera from 1979 then that same camera can still take a great photo today. New and shiny tech may make certain things easier, but a good photo is a good photo. Ultimately,...

Thu Nov 16, 2023 21:09
Legacy code

Before he retired, my dad was an electrical and diagnostic engineer. In short, he dedicated most of his adult life to designing and building lasers and laser equipment – everything from laser-tag through to guidance systems for those massive drills that dig rail tunnels. After dad passed away, I stumbled across a box in my parent's garage containing...

Mon Apr 17, 2023 19:25

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