Tips, Tricks and Bookmarks on Web Development.
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Turning Fifty

I’ve never been big about celebrating my birthday. I’m not sure why. I don’t recall any childhood trauma around birthday parties. Whatever the reason, my birthdays have come and gone without much fanfare. Perhaps a quick visit to my mom’s where I would be treated to my favourite dessert: Betty Crocker Cherry Chip Cake with French Vanilla icing. Pure...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 19:02
Big Boxes

Thirty years ago, I used to work at Toys’R’Us. I really enjoyed that job and sometimes consider returning to a life of stocking shelves. It’s become a bit cliché at this point to hear another tech bro wax on about how they’re going to quit and open a coffee shop, start woodworking, or become a janitor somewhere. This post isn’t that post. About...

Mon May 6, 2024 03:54
Anonymity in Blogging

I had been considering whether to start up a personal newsletter. I subscribe to friends’ letters, in which they describe the various goings on in their life—family, house projects, travel, etc. As an email, it feels more intimate. Couldn’t what I say in an email also be said on the blog? Which led me to consider a number of things… With...

Sun Mar 31, 2024 18:05
Best of the Best

After finishing off the challenge of eating at 50 of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants before I turned 50, I turned to a couple smaller quests—one of which is to go to all of the Best of the Best restaurants. A few years back, 50 Best decided that once a restaurant hits the top of the list, it is no longer allowed to compete and is added to the...

Sun Mar 24, 2024 20:47
Shifting Identities

In a twist on my younger self, I saw a joke recently about what you’d tell your eight year old self. Which reminded me of my mom and her collection of bells. Anybody who knew my mom knew she collected bells and if they wanted to get her a present, it would be a bell. My mom’s collection was getting out of control and she soon told people to stop. ...

Mon Mar 4, 2024 21:01
Taking a risk

Back in 1999, I was working as a manager in a retail computer store selling and building PC hardware and software. On the side, my hobby was playing with the web—a nascent technology that had only been around for a few years and becoming increasingly popular. It took me awhile to clue in that there were people making careers with this thing that I was...

Fri Feb 23, 2024 22:17

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