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Six definitions of love

Love is magic, it defies explanation. To the most rational and logical among us, this may be confusing. Its elusiveness is its significance. Love isn’t an illusion to be broken, but a miracle to bask in. Not everything needs to be understood to be appreciated. You are the audience, and the magician. Love is an idea. A moment of love can be forgotten...

Thu May 9, 2024 21:15
Earth is becoming sentient

The edge of a sheet of paper slices through the tip of your finger and blood begins to flow from the wound. This injury, as small as it may be, must be repaired. Blood cells rush to the site, clotting, scabbing, healing. You never asked for it, but a few days later your finger is as good as new. It has been said that humans are passengers on Spaceship...

Mon Feb 26, 2024 19:55
100% user-supported

Why Obsidian is 100% user-supported and not backed by venture capital investors: We want to stay small, we don’t need to hire lots of people We follow strict principles that we do not want to compromise Our users are happy to support us, we don’t need VC money Obsidian will not exist forever, no app will. However, the files...

Sun Feb 11, 2024 03:34
Choose optimism

Around the age of twenty-two I realized that my worldview had been deeply imbued with pessimism and cynicism. It was the culture I grew up in. A hostility to new ideas, to anything that strays from the norm. An assumption that if things can go wrong, they will go wrong — that malice is pervasive. One day, I decided to become an optimist and life...

Sat Dec 30, 2023 18:30
Spectrum of speculation

I have found it useful to group positions on artificial intelligence into five axes, each of which has a spectrum of perspectives. I find that understanding someone’s opinion about each axis helps reveal their hopes and fears about AI. AI bad — AI good AGI far — AGI close Slow takeoff — fast takeoff Decentralize — centralize ...

Fri Dec 15, 2023 18:51
Pain is information

As a child, you touched something hot, and it burned you. That pain gave you a piece of information: be careful touching hot things. When you sign up to run a marathon, you are signing up for pain. But whether or not you keep running is up to you. It’s been said that “pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”. You can choose pain without choosing...

Thu Nov 9, 2023 21:06

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