Work, writing, speaking.
87 followers 0 articles/week
Enter strawman: Build a tangible form to anchor esoteric discussions

You ask, "Should I be making a new directory for this feature I'm building?" You expect a return value of: "yes" or "no." You had a 50% chance of guessing the "correct" answer...right? Four hours, 49 messages, 13 participants (4 whom you've never met?) later, you have not a boolean but instead something rather undefined: "What makes a feature a...

Thu Mar 9, 2023 08:48
Banal binaries: How power plays into how we communicate

At work, I like to observe who: requests v. demands is direct v. is indirect responds v. ignores The data reveals a lot about how people wield power, especially subconsciously. Requests are often, “when you get a chance, could you please do X? I would like it by Z date.” Demands are, “you need to do X by Z date.” But it gets more complicated:...

Tue Oct 12, 2021 20:57
Why'd you park like such an a-hole?: Inviting curiosity, context into engineering, our lives

If you drive and have had to parallel park, you might have encountered a situation where you could have parked somewhere if that Prius just had pulled up a bit or split the difference better. If you're even-tempered, you drove around the block and found another spot. If you're easy to temper, you might have cursed under your breath—or maybe, just maybe—you...

Sat Sep 4, 2021 04:22
Let me learn: Provide tutorials in more formats

Hyperaware of how annoying it is when you want a recipe and have to read a 20-paragraph story about someone's great gran (and feeling bad you don't care), I have provided a skip link if you don't care about my back story to this post. Context for this post 📌 My partner and I were watching TV and he said, "Oh, the closed captions are off. Do you want...

Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:32
prefers-reduced-motion: Taking a no-motion-first approach to animations

I recognise that my pre code needs a lot of work, so the code samples are difficult to read and ugly right now. I plan to update that code. Apologies in the meantime; hopefully the message is still understandable! Animations help to breathe life into interactive experiences. Animations, especially when overused and abused, can make people very...

Thu Mar 18, 2021 22:22
On morality, hero worship, and why judgment isn't helpful

This week, I saw a lot of judgment over people joining Facebook's team. In case you missed it, Facebook subverts democracy, mistreats its human moderators, and if those aren't enough, there is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the harm it conducts. A lot of the judgment I saw was for Black women, specifically Kristy Tillman, whom I admire very...

Sun Jan 3, 2021 07:14

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