Unconventional Strategies for Life, Work, and Travel
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New Posts on Mental Health and Purposeful Productivity

Greetings! Depending on how we’re connected, you may or may not have heard much from me lately. On January 1 this year, I moved most of my online writing over to ​a new newsletter​, where I share three times a week on mental health and purposeful productivity: –> ​YearofMentalHealth.com ​ Most of my original subscribers (150k+) moved over with...

Tue Mar 5, 2024 01:45
Announcing: A Year of Mental Health 💚

Happy New Year! Big announcement time: For all of 2024, I’ll be writing three times a week on a new newsletter hosted by Substack. You can subscribe now in both free and paid versions. Many more details are below, for those who care. But in short: I would love for you to be part of this experience. Everyone is welcome. A Year of Mental Health with...

Mon Jan 1, 2024 14:33
2023 Annual Review: Back in Action, Big Changes for Next Year

*Big news: I’m making some changes! Starting January 1, a new yearlong project will take the place of the weekly newsletter. If you already subscribe by email, you’ll be automatically invited to the new platform next week. If you don’t, check the next post on the blog for details. See you on Jan. 1 for the full rollout! — Happy holidays, everyone!...

Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:57
Annual Review Coming Up! (2023 Edition)

This week I’m heading off-the-grid for the 2023 Annual Review trip. It’s a tradition I’ve held mostly without fail every year since way back in 2006. I’ve also written about it almost every year since 2008, the first year of the blog. The limited failures include a) 2020 (the world was closed) and b) a year when I was too depressed to look forward....

Sun Dec 17, 2023 18:17
Choose a Life Purpose (Any Purpose Will Do)

The lesson of this post can be condensed into ten words: having a life purpose is better than not having one. When you have some sort of compass point to refer to as you go through life, you tend to feel better. Being able to point to something you’re working towards also helps. I’ll use that phrase—life purpose—but you can also think of it as a...

Mon Dec 4, 2023 19:36
The Real Risk Is That You Don’t Change At All

Last week I posted a message on Facebook and LinkedIn about how working for yourself is less risky than working a regular job. I’ll excerpt a version of it here: People think being self-employed is risky, but the much bigger risk is working a traditional job. A friend of mine got laid off this week. I told them “Congratulations!”—they’re a smart...

Mon Nov 27, 2023 23:30

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