All rural life is here: daily news of food, farming, the countryside and the environment with analysis and context from the BBC's experts in the field. Presented by Anna Hill and Charlotte Smith, Farming Today goes out every weekday on Radio 4 at 054
426 followers 6 articoli a settimana
15/06/24 - Reproductive ethics in livestock, dog DNA and seed breeding

Three UK vet practices are now offering IVF for cows. It's a common practise for dairy cows to be made pregnant using artificial insemination, but IVF is more specialist. It allows for multiple embryos to be produced from one particularly good cow, meaning the genetics of a herd can be improved more quickly and its health and productivity improved....

Sat Jun 15, 2024 09:24
14/06/24 IVF in dairy cows, CLA election manifesto, flooding, Kate Humble at the Hay Festival

The vets using IVF to improve dairy herds, and could a new 2-stage planning system help kickstart the rural economy? We hear from the CLA on what it wants from the next government. In a special episode of On Your Farm recorded at the Hay Festival, Kate Humble explains how she accidentally ended up buying a council farm in the beautiful Wye Valley...

Fri Jun 14, 2024 08:12
13/06/24 Farm vets and the strain of TB; Wildlife Trusts election wish list; Dog DNA

We’re talking about vets all this week and one of the most difficult and unpleasant jobs they face is dealing with serious illness and disease in livestock, like the devastating foot and mouth outbreak in 2001. Breaking the painful news to a farmer that their whole livelihood is under threat is something no one wants on their job description. The threat...

Thu Jun 13, 2024 08:27
12/06/24 - Cereals 2024, the arable event

Post-Brexit trade barriers are leaving the UK behind when it comes to introducing new varieties of crops - according to the British Society of Plant Breeders. Anna Hill reports from the arable event, Cereals 2024, where seed breeding is centre stage.After one of the wettest years on record left many farmers have been struggling to get out into the fields...

Wed Jun 12, 2024 08:40
11/06/24 - Graphene from slurry, bluetongue and vet recruitment

In a world first, methane from slurry on a dairy farm in Somerset is being broken down and turned into hydrogen gas and graphene. The farm involved is Worthy Farm, which hosts the Glastonbury Festival. It already has an anaerobic digester which uses slurry from their dairy cows to make methane which is used to make electricity, and now also used to...

Tue Jun 11, 2024 08:44
10/06/24 Calls for a bigger farming budget, closure of another Cornish fish market, farm vets.

Farmers need more money - so says the National Farmers' Union which says the incoming Government should increase the agriculture budget. Over the next few weeks as well as hearing from politicians about what they propose for farming, the environment and rural communities, we're also going to hear from rural and wildlife groups about what they think...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 08:35

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