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Louisiana Becomes The Third State To Pass A Law Creating A No-Go Zone Around Cops

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” I’m sure you’ll recall specifically which type of animal on George Orwell’s Animal Farm made that proclamation. In other words, we’re back to Orwellian lawmaking in this country. And not the usual kind. The 9/11 attacks in 2001 led to one sort of Orwellian lawmaking. That was dialed back...

Fri Jun 7, 2024 00:30
The NY Times Challenges ‘Worldle’s’ Name As The War On ‘Wordle’-likes Continues

Whenever we talk about Wordle, the simple Mastermind-like vocabulary game, it’s important to remember that it wasn’t always owned and operated by the New York Times. Before the Times, the game was operated by its creator, Josh Wardle, who flatly insisted that the game not be monetized nor protected or enforced over any kind of intellectual property...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 22:04
A Parent Explains Why They Oppose NY’s ‘SAFE For Kids Act’

Editor’s note: We’ve written a few times about NY’s “SAFE for Kids Act” and it’s many problems. There’s a decent chance that bill gets voted into law this week. Samuel Johnson posted a wonderfully detailed letter about why he, as a parent, opposes the law, and sent it to his elected officials. He also posted it on his own blog about Upstate NY, and...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 20:53
Daily Deal: The Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle

The Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle has 4 beginner-friendly courses to help you become more comfortable with the capabilities of OpenAI and ChatGPT. You’ll learn how to write effective prompts to get the best results, how to create blog posts and sales copy, and how to create your own chatbots. It’s on sale for $30. ...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 20:53
Belgian Court Penalizes Meta For Failing To Boost & Promote Far-Right Politician

EU internet regulations and courts never fail to stupefy. The entire concept of “shadowbanning” has gotten distorted and changed over time. Originally, shadowbanning was a tool for dealing with trolls in certain forums. The shadowbanned trolls would see their own posts in the forums, but no one else could see them. The trolls would think that they...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 19:32
Big Telecom Again Takes Net Neutrality To Court, But Faces Long Odds

Back in April the Biden FCC finally got around to restoring both net neutrality rules, and the agency’s Title II authority over telecom providers. The modest rules, as we’ve covered extensively, prevent big telecom giants from abusing their monopoly and gatekeeper power to harm competitors or consumers. They also require that ISPs be transparent about...

Thu Jun 6, 2024 17:09

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