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Online Icons That Make An Impression

Look around the web and you’re bound to see countless icons. What with the push for increased branding and the idea that online companies must be able to distinguish themselves, these icons, however simple, are often created with a great amount of thought behind the final product. The ones that succeed are those that immediately connect the viewer with...

Thu Apr 23, 2015 01:07
Five Reasons Every Business Should Have a Web Presence

  It used to be that if you wanted to find a company, then you would have to read the newspaper or look through the yellow pages until you finally found the right company. Today, luckily all of that has changed and thanks to the internet, it is now easier than ever to find companies online. In the past it used to be very difficult to create your own...

Thu Dec 4, 2014 22:53
User Analytics with Hotjar Insights

The process of crafting a website includes a number of stages. First of all, you have to deal with actually creating the webpage, making sure that you are inserting the appropriate content, dealing with the user experience or simply hiring a web designer to take care of this task for you. When you are pleased with the final result, you will obviously...

Tue Nov 11, 2014 02:45
Four Features of a Satisfying Online Shopping Cart

Shopping on the Internet can either be a satisfactory experience that leaves a customer wanting to go back for more, or a battle of epic proportions that causes a customer to swear off online shopping for the rest of his or her life. A major factor in this experience is the quality of the shopping cart used by the site. A shopping cart with too many...

Sat Mar 1, 2014 02:49
Designing a Website for Your Small Business

Designing a Website for Your Small Business As a small business owner, you are quickly learning that the Internet is key to running a successful and profitable business. You are likely concerned with the cost and upkeep of a website, but the good news is that you can design it yourself with little to no experience in web design. There are two types...

Thu Nov 14, 2013 13:02
Texture Brushes

Texture Brushes Some brushes can be a pain in the bum to use especially because their texture and style is so distinctive that changing brushes whilst painting can turn into a negative part of creating an image for the starters among the digital artists. The author tried to create brushes that are simple to use for shading, detailing, etc. Enjoy. Author:...

Thu Apr 18, 2013 05:03


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