Mostly about Dungeon World, Stonetop, and related RPGs. (If you're looking for the hilarious Spout Lore podcast, this isn't it; that's at
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Playing Stonetop (and Other PbtA Games)

Work continues on Stonetop, my "hearth-fantasy" adaptation of Dungeon World set in an iron age that never was, in which you portray the local heroes of a small, isolated village near the edge of the known world. It's going more slowly than I'd like, but we just added the "Playing Stonetop" chapter to the main book, and I'm quite pleased with it. This...

Sat Feb 25, 2023 03:20
Stonetop Pre-Orders Available at Backerkit

 So, uh, this happened: As we mentioned a few times in the Kickstater updates, we've been absolutely blown away by the support and the enthusiasm. I've been trying to focus on finishing the two books, and keeping on top of the (considerably enlarged) Stonetop community on Discord, and just haven't gotten around to posting any follow-ups here. I'll be...

Sun Jun 20, 2021 22:07
Stonetop Kickstarter: March 1st, 2021

We're finally doing it:click me for the prelaunch page Here's the teaser text: The Stone has always been here, in the center of the village. It’s larger than life, older than anything, etched with runes. When storms roll up from the south, as they often do, the Stone pulls lightning from the sky and the village shakes with thunder. Visitors cower....

Mon Feb 8, 2021 06:47
Преодолеть опасность: Defying Danger, the RPG... in Russian!

Defying Danger the RPG now has the dubious distinction of having been translated more times than I've actually played it!Alexey Dikevich recently translated the game into Russian. I don't speak Russian or read Cyrillic, so can't speak to the quality of the translation, but the layout seems solid and he's even included an translated example of play (taken...

Sun Dec 27, 2020 00:09
Major Arcana: The Nhing Codex

Over on the Dungeon World Discord, Razorkiss asked this interesting question:Imagine you're trying to model scary Mythos tomes in DungeonWorld. Y'know, we're talking about The Necronomicon here. You want to create a custom move that represents the dangers of reading it, the dangers of gaining knowledge at the expense of sanity. I feel like the first...

Wed Oct 21, 2020 09:30
Take Watch is a bad move and you're a bad person if you like it

"Did you hear that? It sounds like... click bait!" Strong personal opinion: Take Watch is a bad move. You don't need it. Dungeon World doesn't need it. I'd even go so far as to say that it is antithetical to the rest of the game.    Just to be clear, I'm talking about the bog-standard version in the original Dungeon World text. This one:When you’re...

Sun Sep 27, 2020 07:26


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