Increase ad revenue dynamically
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From Managed Supply to Programmatic Advertising

Guest author - Efrat Ahimeir Publishers have many ways to manage their inventory with the ad placements they offer up to advertisers and buyers.  One of the most important things they (should) care about is how to maximize revenue and improve performance of their media, and this is what we call – monetization. Inventory monetization is based on at...

Tue Aug 16, 2016 16:18
The One Metric Online Publishers are Missing

There’s something missing in the array of tools offered to publishers for content performance analytics. While content marketers are offered a variety of techniques and solutions for ROI measurement? Publishers are left to shoot in the dark. All of this is about to change. Let us start by doing something we don’t normally do and that’s tl;dr this post....

Tue Aug 2, 2016 17:34
How to Predict Advertising Trends and Increase Your Revenue

If you could choose a super power, what would it be? Mine would be to predict the future. If you’re an online publisher or blogger, just imagine the possibilities of being able to know what’s coming next.  Actually, that’s one super power we can actually give you. Stop bowing. We’re no gods. We just want to talk with you about predictive analytics....

Thu Jul 28, 2016 13:20
What Is Inventory Arbitrage? – (The Good, the Bad, and the Publisher)

What is ad inventory arbitrage? How is it different from traffic arbitrage and who benefits from it? Is it dying? And if so, what is killing the ad inventory arbitrage industry? But most importantly – how does all this influence you, the publisher. Most industries are based on a fairly simple equation – buy cheap (labor, materials, ready product etc.)...

Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:29
The Top 7 Flash & HTML5 Video Players for Ad Monetization

If you run a website and you’re not using video, you could be missing out on a huge amount of traffic every month, not to mention on some pretty lucrative monetization options. On YouTube alone, users view approximately four billion videos per day. Extend the time scale to one month and the total amount of time spent watching videos is more than six...

Tue Jul 12, 2016 13:57
What’s Google’s Plan for AdSense and DFP Publishers?

Google AdSense or DFP used to be the default choice for publishers looking to monetize their unsold inventory. Now times they are a changin, and Google is feeling the pressure. But Google is not one to sit back on its laurels and watch its market share dwindle. The guys at Mountain View are investing in making their monetization solutions attractive,...

Wed Jul 6, 2016 17:07


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