Latest human longevity news and research interpreted for practical use
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Drug Shown to Reduce Immune Aging in Humans

Novarits has just published a new study examining the effect of its drug RAD001 which is considered a rapalog class agent. This class of drugs in which Rapamycin is the most well known belong to a category known as mTOR inhibitors.  The TOR pathway upon which it acts seems to be important in aging, acting [...]

Sat May 23, 2015 01:36
Ibuprofen May Extend Lifespan

In the search for biologically active chemical that may extend lifespan, oftentimes old or common drugs are found to have such potential. The newest case of this comes from a study out of Texas A&M and the Buck institute. In the three year trial, researchers fed doses of ibuprofen in similar ranges to what humans [...]

Sat May 23, 2015 01:36
Hundreds of Mutations Found in DNA of 115 Year Old

In 2005 a supercentenarian named  passed away and she donated her body to science. This week researchers published intriguing new findings form research on her cells. They discovered that the subject’s white blood cells contained over 400 mutations which we not found in nondividing brain cells.  White cells were chosen as they are generally shortlived...

Sun Apr 27, 2014 07:20
Scientists Find Compound Reverses Aging in Mice

Recently the media has covered on a story about research in mice where it is claimed aging is reversed. The story originated from the lab of David Sinclair, a Harvard researcher, and is based on a study published in the journal Cell. It is understood that a decline in mitochondrial function correlates with aging.  In this [...]

Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:40
Google Forms New Company to Defeat Aging

Google has finally do something that was obvious and sorely needed – create a for-profit company that would foist tremendous resources and technological prowess to reduce or eliminate human aging. Today Google co founder Larry Page, who has always been interested in human disease, announced the formation of a new company called Calico.  The company...

Thu Sep 19, 2013 20:40
Extreme Endurance Athletes Live Longer

There is debate over whether regular extreme endurance exercise has a detrimental or beneficial effect on lifespan. Clearly any exercise is better than no exercise at all as multiple studies have shown.  Yet a few small trials suggest there may be a J-shaped curve in that moderate exercise has the optimal effect on lifespan while [...]

Tue Sep 3, 2013 19:34

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