Child psychology and medical research. From how massage can help infants cry less, to the effect of chemical pollution on children, read the latest child psychology news here.
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Some types of stress could be good for brain functioning

It may feel like an anvil hanging over your head, but that looming deadline stressing you out at work may actually be beneficial for your brain, according to new research. The study found that low to moderate levels of stress can help individuals develop resilience and reduce the risk of developing mental health disorders, like depression and antisocial...

Fri Jul 29, 2022 01:27
Gene that causes deadliest brain tumor also causes childhood cancers

A gene that researchers discovered is responsible for the deadliest type of brain tumor is also responsible for two forms of childhood cancer, the scientists have found. The discovery may open the door to the first targeted treatments for two types of rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue that primarily strikes young children.

Fri Jul 29, 2022 01:27
Only half of children with autism receive early intervention services

Despite a federal mandate requiring access to early intervention programs (EIP) for children with disabilities, fewer than half of autistic children in four New Jersey counties received services before 36 months of age, according to a new study.

Thu Jul 28, 2022 05:17
U.S. youth firearm mortality increased over the past decade; trends differ significantly across states, study finds

Four states with stricter laws restricting gun access successfully reversed upward trajectories in youth gun deaths over the past decade, according to the new study.

Thu Jul 28, 2022 05:17
Our social interactions begin at a young age

Children demonstrate early in life social skills and a strong desire to interact with their peers. They engage in social interactions more often than our closest relatives, the great apes, a new study finds. This social and natural predisposition of humans for interaction appears to be a key element in understanding the evolution of language.

Wed Jul 27, 2022 21:10
Sports help kids develop important trait linked to adult success

Here's another good reason for kids to participate in organized sports: They can develop the 'grit' that helps them overcome challenges as adults, a new study suggests.

Wed Jul 27, 2022 21:10

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