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Real-time precision detection algorithm for jellyfish stings in neural computing, featuring adaptive deep learning enhanced by an advanced YOLOv4 framework

IntroductionSea jellyfish stings pose a threat to human health, and traditional detection methods face challenges in terms of accuracy and real-time capabilities.MethodsTo address this, we propose a novel algorithm that integrates YOLOv4 object detection, an attention mechanism, and PID control. We enhance YOLOv4 to improve the accuracy and real-time...

Thu May 23, 2024 08:01
An adaptive discretized RNN algorithm for posture collaboration motion control of constrained dual-arm robots

Although there are many studies on repetitive motion control of robots, few schemes and algorithms involve posture collaboration motion control of constrained dual-arm robots in three-dimensional scenes, which can meet more complex work requirements. Therefore, this study establishes the minimum displacement repetitive motion control scheme for the...

Wed May 22, 2024 07:54
Machine unlearning in brain-inspired neural network paradigms

Machine unlearning, which is crucial for data privacy and regulatory compliance, involves the selective removal of specific information from a machine learning model. This study focuses on implementing machine unlearning in Spiking Neuron Models (SNMs) that closely mimic biological neural network behaviors, aiming to enhance both flexibility and ethical...

Tue May 21, 2024 07:49
TP-GCL: graph contrastive learning from the tensor perspective

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated significant potential as powerful tools for handling graph data in various fields. However, traditional GNNs often encounter limitations in information capture and generalization when dealing with complex and high-order graph structures. Concurrently, the sparse labeling phenomenon in graph data poses challenges...

Tue May 21, 2024 07:49
Remote intelligent perception system for multi-object detection

IntroductionDuring the last few years, a heightened interest has been shown in classifying scene images depicting diverse robotic environments. The surge in interest can be attributed to significant improvements in visual sensor technology, which has enhanced image analysis capabilities.MethodsAdvances in vision technology have a major impact on the...

Mon May 20, 2024 07:43
Counting dense object of multiple types based on feature enhancement

IntroductionAccurately counting the number of dense objects in an image, such as pedestrians or vehicles, is a challenging and practical task. The existing density map regression methods based on CNN are mainly used to count a class of dense objects in a single scene. However, in complex traffic scenes, objects such as vehicles and pedestrians usually...

Thu May 16, 2024 08:20

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