Adam Machanic, Boston-based SQL Server developer, shares his experiences with programming, monitoring, and performance tuning SQL Server. And the occasional battle with the query optimizer.
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New Post: The Career Influence of Usenet Strangers (T-SQL Tuesday #096)

Check out my new post on some of the people who helped shaped my career: The Career Influence of Usenet Strangers (T-SQL Tuesday #096)...(read more)

Tue Nov 14, 2017 19:34
Playing the Third-Party Recruiter Game (T-SQL Tuesday #093)

This blog has moved! You can find this content at the following new location: more)

Tue Aug 8, 2017 23:56
Looking for sp_whoisactive?

A while ago I quietly announced the new home for sp_whoisactive, . Today I finished migrating all related content -- including the documentation consisting of a series of 28 articles posted on this blog a while back. So if you're looking...(read more)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 01:36
The SQL Hall of Shame

SQL Server is a big product, with lots of features. Many of the features—hopefully the vast majority of them—are solid and allow us to build trustworthy, secure, and reasonably usable database applications. But nearly everyone has stumbled into a few,...(read more)

Thu Jun 15, 2017 01:58
The Guru (T-SQL Tuesday #089)

I became a consultant a bit earlier in my career than was probably wise. The going was rough at first, with periods of feast and periods of famine. Although I had several clients, I didn’t understand how to sell services or schedule my workload, and so...(read more)

Tue Mar 14, 2017 22:04
Solving the Net Changes Problem with Temporal Tables (T-SQL Tuesday #087)

SQL Server 2008 was perhaps not the meatiest of SQL Server releases, but it did have one especially promising feature: Data change detection. Or maybe two features, depending on how you look at things. I’m talking, of course, about the almost confusingly...(read more)

Tue Feb 14, 2017 16:33

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