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Is magnesium the sleeping potion that enables sandhoppers to survive cold winters?

A new study has shown for the first time that when sandhoppers want to enter a period of deep sleep each winter they have the means through which to increase the magnesium levels in their bodies -- in some instances more than doubling them. Essentially acting as a natural narcotic, the magnesium puts the sandhopper into a torpid state and this enforced...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 03:38
New metric for blood circulation in brain to better understand dementia

Researchers have developed a new metric from measured blood circulation in our brain. This metric has implications for brain conditions, including Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

Sun Jun 16, 2024 03:38
Early Homo sapiens facilitated the establishment of the Bonelli's eagle in the Mediterranean 50,000 years ago

Scientists have unraveled the ancestral history of one of the most iconic birds of prey in the current Iberian fauna: the Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). The study combines evidence from several disciplines, including palaeontology, genetics and ecology, to answer questions about when and why the Bonelli's eagle, a species primarily found in tropical...

Sun Jun 16, 2024 03:38
Synthetic data holds the key to determining best statewide transit investments

Synthetically generated population data can reveal the equity impacts of distributing transportation resources and funding across diverse regions, according to new research.

Sun Jun 16, 2024 03:38
Novel insights into fluorescent 'dark states' illuminate ways forward for improved imaging

Scientists address decades-long problem in the field of single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer, paving the way for more accurate experiments.

Sun Jun 16, 2024 03:38
Gonadal function in male mice disrupted by prenatal risk factors

Researchers have consistently shown that prenatal exposure to Di (2-ethyhexyl) phthalate harms the reproductive system in male mice and causes fertility defects. In a new study, scientists have shown that the combination of DEHP and a high-fat diet in pregnant mice can cause more damage to pups than each factor alone.

Sat Jun 15, 2024 03:07

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